
Mutton Keema Patty | Keema Aloo Tikkis



Keema Patties

Keema Patties

Keema patties is my granny’s recipe,which I have learnt  from her and think that I can not even match to her excellence and perfection when it comes to making keema patties. Whenever she use to make keema patties , I still remember she never use to allow any imperfections, in fact all the patties size use to be big, round in shape and of exact proportions as if she had measured each inch by inch. I dedicate this recipe to my loving grand ma ” HAWABAI’ whose unfortunately not there among us, but is still alive in our memories. Here I am sharing my grand ma’s secret recipe which is made of keema tossed in spices and stuffed in boiled, mashed  potatoes which tastes delicious and yumm… Here is lip smacking recipe of keema patties ( stuffed keema) ……..I  always try to match up with hers when ever I make this recipe , but no one can beat her excellent skills, try this stuffed keema , I am sure you will like it…..


Keema Patties


For Stuffing Keema Patties:
250 gms minced mutton ( keema )
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp grounded cumin powder
1 tsp red chili powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
2  nos chopped green chilies
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste

For Covering:

 3 -4 potatoes boiled, peeled and mashed
1 tsp red chili powder {optional}
1 tsp shredded cheese {optional}

Other ingredients :

oil for frying
butter crumbs
1 egg


In a pan or kadhai, add keema , salt , ginger garlic paste , red chili powder , cumin seeds. Cover and cook until its done completely, no water is needed as keema releases water.
Dry keema completely and remove from fire and let it come to room temperature now add green chilies , garam masala and coriander leaves.
Side by side boil potatoes, peel and mash them by adding salt , red chilli powder and cheese.

Now to fill the keema stuffing in mashed potatoes , refer the video and recipe ahead


Take a small portion of potato mixture, roll it into a ball ,then make a flat surface out of it by patting on the ball.

Once the potato ball is  formed into a full circle , place the keema filling in the middle by a spoon or hand.

when you place keema in the middle start taking the potato mixture to upward direction by using your fingers , then keep moving it into a circular motion , seal the top opening and flip it upside down , keep patting to make a dome shape all over, it to give a good finish.


Beat the egg and add salt and pepper.
Once the stuffing is done , dip the patties in egg and then roll in butter crumbs.
In pan heat some oil , shallow fry the keema petice until golden in color by frying it on both the sides.

Drain the petice on absorbent paper and serve hot with your choice of chutney/ tomato ketchup.

If your minced mutton ( keema) contains lots of fats then do not add oil but if it isn’t then add 1 tsp oil in keema while cooking.



SERVES: 4 Persons.


1.Procedure would be same until assembling of Pattice, except mutton mince use chicken mince.

2. Take small ball of potatoes, flatten it , add 1 tbsp coriander and mint chutney then place 1 tbsp chicken mixture in the middle and then make into a round shaped pettice continue as shown in the video. 












  •  For kids, do not add green chilies in mutton/ chicken mince mixture & less green chilies in coriander and mint chutney.
  • Use freshly made , thick coriander and mint chutney , for this variation . ( do not use watery corianderint chutney )
  • You can prepare this way too, with mutton mince and vise versa.



SERVES: 4 Persons.
Click here to try my Mutton Frankie Recipe

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